7B Teachers:

Mr. Brown - Science

Mrs. Echtinaw - English & Math

Mrs. Enos - English

Mr. Grenier - Math

Mrs. Smith - Paraprofessional

Mr. Vanek - Social Studies

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Mr. Vanek's Middle Ages Projects

Check out some amazing projects by our amazing 7B students!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Happy Pi Day!

Mr. Grenier celebrated National Pi Day with his students today.  Below are some Advanced Math students enjoying some pie on Pi Day during their lesson!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Poetry Slam Workshop

Members of the Nebraska Writers Collective spent all of today with our students in small and large group writing and performing activities.  Students experienced: Chorale Reading, Writing the First Draft, Comedic Writing, and Composing Metaphors.  We ended the day with an open microphone session where the students shared their writing.  It was a creative and fabulous day!